Il Maestro e Margherita - Un percorso per immagini /3: Capitoli 4-7

I'm recalling times when I was small, in light and free jubilee days, Old folks praying everybody swaying, Loudly, I chanted my praise. How I sang about the Judgement morn, And of Gabriel tooting on his horn. In that sunny land of milk and honey, I had no complaints, While I thought of Saints. So I say to all who feel forlorn: Sing "Hallelujah! Hallelujah!" and you'll shoo the blues away: When cares pursue you, "Hallelujah!" Gets you through the darkest day. Satan lies awaiting and creating skies of grey, But "Hallelujah! Hallelujah!" Helps to shoo the clouds away. ( Hallelujah ; Robin/Grey-Youmans) * * * Capitoli 4-7 (L'inseguimento - Nel frattempo, al Griboedov... - Schizofrenia, come era stato detto - Un appartamento sinistro) 1. La trama La parte della storia di cui mi occupo in questo post prende il via dal parco dei Patriaršie Prudy (Stagni del Patriarca) di Mosca, dove ci eravamo lasciati nel post precedente, e do...